Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Breaking The Silence Jumper Dress

The look:

blouse - old Urban Renewal
jumper dress - old H&M
cardi - old JCrew
beret - old
boots - old JCrew

The tale:

Sometimes I actually put serious thought into what I wear.  By serious thought, I mean I think about whether what I wear might leave someone with a good impression of me.  I want to dress to impress.  Usually, I dress to have fun with clothes, to enjoy myself.  Perhaps what I wear leaves someone with a good impression of me, but this isn't what I am thinking of when I get dressed.  But, on occasion, I consciously dress to impress.  Unfortunately, on these occasions, I rarely, if ever, find out how successful I have been.  I hope that I am successful.  But, really, I never do find out.  Just to be clear, today was not a dress to impress day.  Today was a dress to have fun with clothes day.  But soon, I will be dressing to impress.

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